Sunday 5 June 2011

Blog Commenting Fixed! - Day 28 (June 5)

Just came in to say I believe I fixed the commenting situation. When trying to reply it has never worked for me. Comments now come in a pop up window and work. If someone is trying to post and it doesn't work, let me know!

Also the other day we cracked over 1,000 views. Pretty cool, this was just a small thing on the side and I'm happy it's gotten plenty of exposure. I hope others out there in recovery can empathize and hopefully it helps them in their situation.

Just happy to have hit the 4 week mark and I'm slowly becoming more and more adventurous with the soft foods I try. Yesterday was lemon meringue pie and soft pieces of lobster. The world is slowly opening up. This is just a quick update as I have to do my course selection for my upcoming year 4 of university, I'll post week 4 post op pictures later!



Vivian said...

Hi Gordon!

I found your blog through Cassie, she told me you guys play tennis together? I recently underwent jaw surgery as well (just my lower jaw though). She sent me your blog and I've been following your entries ever since. Just wanted to tell you that your blogs have been very helpful and encouraging! :)

I am 4 weeks into my recovery (shy one day), and I'm going to see my surgeon on Saturday. He had said prior to my surgery that my teeth would be wired shut for 6 weeks, but I'm hoping for good news that my wires can come off on Saturday! I was just wondering, how are you eating now? How many days has it been since you could try soft foods? Specifically, what kind of "soft" foods should I prepare?

I think I have my hopes up very high for Saturday, and will probably get disappointed if my surgeon wants to wait another week. But I'm psyched to get it off!

You look like you are recovering really well! You also look very familiar, I'm sure I have seen you around sometime.

Thanks for your posts, hope to hear back from you.


Gordon said...

Hey Vivian,

Yeah Cassie and I played tennis last summer, and her brother is in my year.

Yes, I have read about plenty of people being banded/wired shut for 6 weeks, which seems really challenging. Are you syringing everything in that case? I found syringing when wired was difficult to drink all the fluids I needed to stay well hydrated. The day I drank from a cup was wonderful, it made drinking everything better.

I'm just around the 4 week mark as well, however my surgeon has had me off my splint for 2 weeks and unwired me the first week. Therefore I am making an effort to eat foods that I basically swallow whole or can somewhat break up when I close my teeth together. This has been during week 3-4. Quite honestly I'm not that good for soft foods. I've only eaten scrambled eggs, macaroni, soups with soft noodles, pasta, and vienna sausages. It takes me forever though. Despite trying all these, I still do my 2 smoothies a day to get my protein in.

Hopefully your surgeon decides to cut you free! Let me know how it goes. Also, if you have Cass on facebook add me, it'd be nice to know somebody who's in a similar timeframe.

justin bartholomew said...

Wow, Fantastic Blog, it’s so helpful to me, and your blog is very good,I’ve learned a lot from your blog here, Keep on going, my friend, I will keep an eye on it.